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Tisha Schuller

Oil and gas leaders are caught between the opposing forces of ESG expectations and anti-ESG backlash. And yet leading companies are not only continuing their ESG and decarbonization efforts, they are optimizing them. Why? And, how? In this talk, “Real Sustainability: How Oil and Gas Can Navigate the Era of Climate Justice and Woke Capitalism,” Tisha conveys what she’s learned from industry leaders since writing her most recent book, Real Decarbonization ®: How Oil and Gas Companies Are Seizing the Low-Carbon Future. The result?  Real sustainability work is the missing piece oil and gas leaders are using to rise above climate activism pressure, growing environmental justice expectations, woke capitalism, and empty ESG. Through this talk you’ll learn: how to reconcile directional ESG pressure with the rapid swings of the political pendulum; what makes ESG and decarbonization real and therefore sustainable; and, how to avoid the political perils of seeming to overreact and then overcorrect to both climate activism and anti-ESG efforts.

The Gamechanger's Playbook

The disruptions of the past few years have upended our lives and created unprecedented risks for the oil and gas industry—but they’ve also created an opening for oil and gas leaders to seize the energy future. In this keynote talk, Tisha addresses themes from her 2020 book, The Gamechanger’s Playbook: How Oil & Gas Leaders Thrive in an Era of Continuous Disruption. She outlines the three disruptors that have changed the risk landscape for oil and gas companies, the three timeless values that oil and gas leaders have drawn from for generations, and the three gamechangers that will allow our industry to move away from being disrupted to being the disruptor. Learn how you, the game-changing leader, can turn the risks of this moment into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for leadership.

Anne (Carto) Kurtis

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">How to Plan and Execute Stakeholder Engagement Now

The public is hotly debating energy development in all forms, so it’s the perfect time for your company to understand how to effectively and proactively communicate with stakeholders and the public. In this talk, Anne provides an overview of public sentiment challenges and community engagement practices from around the country to help describe the landscape and how to develop impactful strategies. You’ll learn how she guides clients through stakeholder mapping, determining appropriate communication strategies for different audiences, and incorporating public input.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">ESG in Small Steps

Environmental, social, governance strategies are key to the operational sustainability of oil and gas companies of all sizes. Anne—Adamantine’s ESG lead—reviews what’s driving ESG strategy adoption, the steps all companies can take no matter their size, and how your company can get started on ESG strategy development today. Anne also analyzes numerous real-world examples to emphasize the practicability of developing a thoughtful strategy.

<span data-buffer="">Employee Interaction with the Public<span data-metadata="">

Whether it is presenting at a required community meeting, educating a civic group about your industry, or answering neighbors’ questions when they stop by a project site, your employees can be your company’s best advocates and experts—if they feel prepared. Anne distills Adamantine’s best practices for public engagement to guide your leadership and employees on how to answer difficult questions about operations with authenticity and empathy.


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Both of These Things Are True

By Tisha Schuller