In this solo episode, Tisha Schuller explores a core controversy at the heart of how oil and gas leaders discuss energy and climate: truth bomb or diplomatic engagement? How energy leaders respond will inform the opportunities ahead. For more, sign up for Tisha’s Both of These Things Are True newsletter.
Mentioned in the episode:
Both Of These Things Are True newsletters Three Ts of Energy Realism and Practical Environmentalism Is Inevitable.
Matthew Yglesias’ 2024 year-ending appearance on Energy Thinks:(Secret?!) Practical Environmentalism with Matthew Yglesias, and his Substack: Slow Boring, subscribe to his newsletter here.
The Bloomberg Podcast Zero: The Climate Race: What is the Exxon CEO doing on a climate podcast?
Climate Activists Need to Radically Change Their Approach Under Trump by Arnab Datta
Trump’s Choice to Run Energy Says Fossil Fuels Are Virtuous by Lisa Friedman
The response to Lisa’s NYT article: Can we please have a nuanced discussion of development and fossil fuels? by Todd Moss.
Subscribe here for Tisha’s weekly Both of These Things Are True email newsletter.
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Thanks to Kayla Chieves who makes the Energy Thinks podcast possible.
[Episode recorded on December 17, 2024]