
Decarbonization & ESG Strategies

An Incremental & Agile Approach

As part of Adamantine’s mission to future-proof oil and gas companies against rising social risk, we passionately believe that the game-changing disruptors facing our industry today create the imperative for companies to thoughtfully and strategically articulate their positioning for the energy future. ESG and decarbonization strategies are a key first step in this process and are rapidly becoming a prerequisite for your social license to operate and your ability to continue attracting capital and customers for years to come.

However, we recognize that not all companies are at the same stage in this process. Some are still not convinced ESG should be a priority or are working to understand their drivers and gain the necessary internal buy-in to move forward, while others perceive a sense of urgency but feel they have limited resources for such a large task and have warranted questions around how and where to get started.

At Adamantine, we do not view taking these efforts on as an immediate operational overhaul. Instead, we recommend companies take incremental steps and decisions, yielding a process that is customized towards the appetite and ambitions of your company, but also one that effectively demonstrates your level of dedication, awareness, and progress to your stakeholders.

We have helped a vast variety of clients across the value chain in formulating their ESG and decarbonization strategies and retain years of experience in helping organizations understand and navigate their stakeholder interests and strategic directions. This white paper distills our insights and expertise to provide an overview of Adamantine’s approach to ESG and decarbonization strategy development, including key drivers and benefits, available options, and effective ways to get started.


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Both of These Things Are True

By Tisha Schuller