Adamantine Energy is a women’s business enterprise certified through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, the nation’s leading third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women. As a WBENC-certified business, we help our clients demonstrate their commitment to fostering supplier diversity.
Adamant is a mythical stone of perfect clarity and hardness. As an adjective, “adamantine” can describe a resolute intention or effort. And of course, many of you know about Wolverine’s adamantium-enhanced claws! “Adamantine” has magical connotations, and we rely on it all to get the job done for our clients.
We’ve written a set of Adamantine Foundation Papers to help you and your colleagues understand our unique perspectives on the energy future and how they drive our work at Adamantine. If you need a refresher on our stances, Adamantine Foundations provide it. If you’re not sure how to kick off a conversation within your organization about Real Decarbonization ® and the other topics we address, we suggest sharing these pieces with your colleagues.
The first essay makes the case for why our current “educate and engage” strategy no longer works, and why we must therefore shift our mindset from disrupted to disruptor. In Adamantine Foundations 2, we introduce the three disruptors that have changed our working landscape. Insights from the disruptors inform the third essay, which covers the game-changing actions oil and gas companies can embrace to lead into the energy future.
By Tisha Schuller